You can read more about it from the announcement below. It appears the company may be playing it safe and seeing how their current release schedule pans out before promising anything, especially with COVID-19 playing havoc with shipping schedules.

We also didn't get a price point for the decks, nor did we get a proper release date beyond September. Unfortunately, they didn't have any kind of packaging to show off, or any cards to highlight beyond the obvious rares people are interested in.

The set will basically have everything from all of the set underneath that particular banner under current rulesets, including the original, the sequel, and Unleashed. The company sent out a notice late last week letting fans know that the set would be a follow-up to Legendary Duelists: Season 1. – 41-card Deck used by Yugi as he battled The Pharaoh himself in the final Duel of the original series, focused on “Gadget” monsters and the “Silent” series of “LV” monsters.ģ brand new Secret Rare cards: Electromagnetic Turtle, Dark Renewal, and Black Illusion.ģ Ultra Rare collectible (non-playable) historical cards celebrating the Duelist Kingdom storyline, including Glory of the King’s Hand, Set Sail for The Kingdom, and the Duelist Kingdom itself.ģ Ultra Rare collectible (non-playable) Egyptian God Cards: Slifer the Sky Dragon, Obelisk the Tormentor, and The Winged Dragon of Ra.Konami has announced a new old-school set coming back to the forefront for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game. – 41-card Deck inspired by Yugi’s Duels in the Battle City story arc from the second and third seasons of the original Yu-Gi-Oh! animated series, featuring – at long last – Arkana’s long-awaited “red” Dark Magician! – 41-card Deck used by Yugi in the the first season of the original Yu-Gi-Oh! animated series, including his initial Duel with Seto Kaiba and his adventures in Duelist Kingdom. Izvorno sa stranice – više informacija na: Set sadrži tri različita decka koje koristi sam “Kralj igre”, plus nekoliko jedinstvenih fojlanih karata. Ovih blagdana Yu-Gi-Oh! fanovi mogu ponovno živjeti cijelu povijest izvornih Duelista!