Hope the shareholders see good sense and realize the CEO Nadella is screwing up things and hope they fire the CEO for killing PC sales after a few years. At some point, Microsoft will have to get even more aggressive with their blackmail, maybe start charging money for a Windows subscription or some other trick to make users “upgrade” the hardware more regularly. Yes people are “upgrading” to Windows 10 and buying new PCs when they absolutely have to because they’re forced to – Microsoft left them no choice.
With such a horrid fundamentally flawed experience, I don’t see PC sales going up any time soon. And then there’s the UI which is completely horrid. Manual or automatic – we still have to finish that shit – several GBs of no value wasting bandwidth, CPU, disk. The problem with Windows 10 is the monstrous size of updates and the frequency of update, not that it’s forced and automatic. Now You: No, manual or automatic updates? How is your system configured? (Thanks Deskmodder)
This command resets all permissions of UsoClient.exe, so that automatic update scans can be run again.
Run the command icacls "%WINDIR%\System32\UsoClient.exe" /reset. Open an elevated command prompt as outlined above. You can restore the permissions of the file at any time: You can still run update scans manually by opening Settings > Update & Security. Next time when Windows 10 triggers the event, you should get a "access is denied" error message under last run result in the UpdateOrchestrator task listing. You should get success messages, but you can verify that all permissions have been removed by right-clicking on 'C:\Windows\System32\UsoClient.exe, selecting properties from the context menu, and switching to the Security tab when the properties window opens. Note that you may need to change the English group names if you use a non-English edition of Windows. This removes permissions for the selected groups of users from the file. Now run icacls "%WINDIR%\System32\UsoClient.exe" /inheritance:r /remove "Administrators" "Authenticated Users" "Users" "System". This takes ownership of the file and assigns it to the administrator group giving you control over the file. Run the command takeown /f "%WINDIR%\System32\UsoClient.exe" /a. Confirm the UAC prompt that is displayed. You can also right-click on cmd.exe and select "run as administrator if you prefer that. Type cmd.exe, select the result, hold down the Ctrl-key and the Shift-key, and tap on the Enter-key to load an elevated command prompt. Tap on the Windows-key to bring up the Windows Start menu.