
Dark souls pc crash on launch
Dark souls pc crash on launch

dark souls pc crash on launch

  • Some possible work-arounds can be found here: ( ) Thank you Keys for the post.
  • We are currently investigating and escalating this issue.
  • The list of issues were posted in the Steam forums and are as follows:

    dark souls pc crash on launch

    Sadly it’s not been resolved as yet but they did issue a lenghty post which includes links to workarounds which have not worked for everyone. We were hoping that it would have been resolved by now so held off a little on posting this. Namco say they are “aware” of the problem and hope to have it sorted out as fast as possible. The problem that’s been frustrating some potential player is the game crashing when it starts. Dark Souls 2 is the hot game this week on the PC but it’s not been an easy ride for everyone due to various game issues.

    Dark souls pc crash on launch